Tonight for homework please answer the following two questions:
Which point of view are you writing from for you project? Why did you choose that?
During class today you participated in a wonderful presentation about Crime Scene Investigations! Detective Camillieri gave us some fun facts and information while Detective Gabrielsen took many of your fingerprints for your ID cards!

In your blog response tonight please answer 4 of the 5 questions in detail.

-Detective Camillieri gave us a few examples of some real crimes that have happened in Croton whereas detectives they used what we did! What were some of the examples he gave?

-What did Detective Camillieri tell us are the first few steps once you have identified a crime scene? Why?

-Why is it important to sketch the crime scene?

-What new things did you learn about fingerprints and crime scene investigations?

-How can you use the information you learned in class today to help you with your crime scene project?

You must type your response in Microsoft Word first. Then, copy and paste into the comment box here. REREAD your response and check for correct spelling, puncutation, and complete sentences

    Directions on how to leave a comment:
    1. You will find a "comment" button at the top of the post, directly across from the date.
    2. Once you click on that, scroll down and you will find a comment box.
    3. Please enter your name. You don't need to leave your last name. You DO NOT need to add any email or other contact information.
    4. Enter your comment in the box. (Watch for punctuation! Reread and check it over before pressing submit.)
    5. Press Submit! A message will appear stating "your comment is awaiting approval." Check back later to view your comment posted on the page!


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