WOW! I am so excited for all the amazing work I saw today during your time with PACE! For homework you will be writing atleast two, 5-8 sentence paragraphs describing your time spent with your Pace Mentors!
Your paragraph must include:
What progress had your group made before PACE came?
How productive has your group been during classtime?
What are 1-2 things that the PACE students helped you learn/better understand?
How did your team and the PACE group interact?
What could you do differently to ensure you are using your time wisely?
This is the last time PACE will be here to help you program. The next time they are here they will watch your dance-off. What would you like to tell them about their help and guidence through the process? How did they help? How did they inspire? How could they help more?
Please include anything else you learned/felt/saw/experienced during your time with your mentors!

You must type your response in Microsoft Word first. Then, copy and paste into the comment box here. REREAD your response and check for correct spelling, puncutation, and complete sentences
11/14/2011 04:53:34 am

we were happy with our group and our robot then we took it apart it was not working for us so we took it all apart so we really got far in 3 or 4 days building. we really used our class time when we got the chance to wisley. 1 thing that they really helped me learn was to program and also the building. they were really nice we talked about the dance moves and we talked about how we wanted it to dance.i think that i could have helped more instead of just sitting back. we also could of all helped more. they really helped us because they helped us build and they helped us fix it when by acident it fell. they really did help us during this time with them.they were really helpful because we all worked together to build and get started on the robot since we were behind everyone.

11/14/2011 05:01:32 am

Before our PACE mentors came, my group had picked a song to have our robot dance to and had only just started thinking about how we wanted it to dance. I think that our group was pretty productive during class time. We didn’t start programming until the PACE mentors came, though. We were sort of brainstorming ideas for the choreographing. We didn’t really need any work on building our robot.
The PACE mentors really helped us a lot with programming. Programming is the thing in LEGO Robotics that is hardest for me. Our PACE group really explained programming to us a lot more. We got a lot of programming done. At first, we were all kind of shy, but eventually we got a little more used to each other. Our PACE group was really nice to us. I think that what we could do differently, is get right to working on the robot, instead of being a little shy in the beginning, just so that we can take advantage of all the time we have.
I think that it was a really interesting experience doing the LEGO Robotics and working with the PACE mentors. I am excited for the dance-off. I want them to know that I really appreciate them coming and working with us. They really helped us a lot and were really enthusiastic about it. They were inspiring because they were taking a course that is really hard. Also, they were willing to work with us and be a part of our project. I think that they did everything they needed to do to help.

11/14/2011 05:04:16 am

My group and the pace students worked kind of good today but we were fooling around today including me. But we made some pretty good adjustments to the robot like making a dance and making the arm move that me and Ivan made. Ethan did most of the programming and at the end me and the pace students were basically doing nothing.

I think that we should of worked a little bit more with Ethan because at the end Ethan started yelling at us because we weren’t working. The pace students helped me better understand the dance programming and how the rotations work. I know that we went over it in school but I forgot. Also another thing that I think we should of done better was deciding a song because we keep picking a song then we want a another song and another song.

11/14/2011 06:32:48 am

Before PACE came we finished building our robot and we had placed all the sensors on it. We also worked on programming and today we placed a hand on our robot. We are almost done with our programming we need to complete a few more things.

We were pretty productive today. We got most of the programming completed. We had one mishap that made us lose some time. We lost our Lego figure. We could not find it. I looked all over for it and it was gone.

I found the help that was provided by the PACE group to be very important to our group. They provided a ton of help in programming and explaining how to make our robots work. We worked well with the PACE mentors but we only had two members of our group today. We also changed mentors but it all worked out we got a lot done. I wish we did not lose our Lego figure because too much time was wasted looking for it.
I would like the PACE group to know how much I have learned from them and I would like them to know that without their help we would never have been able to get our programming done. I feel that their guidance was inspirational. They are a great group that really cared and helped us. I can’t wait for the dance-off, it is going to be fun.

11/14/2011 07:12:24 am

Before PACE came, my group was finished with the robot. It was built and ready to be programmed. Our group might have wasted some class time but we worked really hard today to try to make up for it. PACE showed me how to repeat something without having to do it all over a lot of times. Also they showed me how to make a hand and how to make it move up and down. We interacted well because we all worked good together and they helped us a lot. We could assign one part for each person because today everyone was working on the same thing at once. I would like to tell them that they helped me a lot to understand about robots and programming them. I would also like to thank them for all their help and guidance. They inspired me because it was a lot of fun and I might want to join PACE and help 6th grades too. They could have helped more with the programming because they did not offer to help so we had to ask Ms. Scollins. Also we were embarrassed to ask them to help us programming. I thought that our group was really behind but when I looked at the other groups they were on the same page as us or even behind us. Also, I felt really happy when I saw our robot going in circles, going backwards and forwards, going in a figure 8, moving its hand up and down and swirling around. Lastly, I experienced that it is really hard to build a robot and programming it to do what you want it to do. Thank you mentors and Ms. Scollins for all your help! I am having a blast with robots! I can not wait until the dance off! See you then mentors!

11/14/2011 07:21:19 am

11/14/2011 07:29:30 am

I think my group made a reasonable amount of progress before our pace mentors arrived. One reason I think this is because we had built the arm and the bottom without them and then we were able to get help from them to finish our robots. Occasionally my group would just break out laughing rather then building but when we tried we were able to work. On thing we did to stay on topic was that we all focused on our own parts and then at the end we put them all together. Something that pace helped me understand better was the concept of programming. Another thing they helped us with was building because in my personal opinion I was stumped after we finished our separate pieces.
At first I think that we (my group) were a little skeptical of having an all guys group when our group was made up of all girls. I think instead of any messing around we could have all just focus and then I think we would all be able to finish the robot and do even more programming. The pace mentors inspired me to never give up when building the robot. I think this because as they worked we were encouraged to cheer them on and then I thought to myself “I want to bee cheered for!” That’s why I was encouraged to build. I felt really sad when dropped the robot and we had to do it again. I felt like everyone was disappointed in me but not just my group. Everyone.

Maccray Rentel
11/14/2011 07:42:52 am

Before the PACE kids came, our group had already finished building the robot and putting on the sensors, though we still had to program it. After this session with PACE we are very near finishing our robot, we just needed our robot to dance ten seconds longer. I would say our group was very productive, we really got a lot of work done. We were constantly listening to the song, brainstorming ideas for the dance. The PACE kids helped me learn that when programming the robot every little motion counts. For example, we tried making the robot go forward for four seconds, but it went too far and we changed it to a second shorter.
At first our group had some awkward silence, but then when one of the students introduced themselves we all started talking and figuring out stuff we had in common. The mentors were still a little bit shaky about what we were doing, so we quickly refreshed their memories. Next time instead of all of us worrying about a problem, if only one person tried to solve the problem and everyone else kept working, it would have been much more efficient. The mentors really helped us program, before we met, we really didn’t know what we were doing. They easily showed us what to do and helped us move forward with our robots. It really inspired me how even older people are doing this and that they all really want to help us work.

11/14/2011 07:45:12 am

I had a good experience with the PACE mentors today. Before PACE came, we actually hadn't made that much progress, besides picking the song, and thinking of possible dance moves. Our group has been fairly productive during class time, but we did a lot with PACE today. The PACE students helped us develop our ideas and helped us understand and come up with new dance moves. One thing our group helped us with was coming up with a new idea of making the robot moved. They suggested that we could touch the touch sensor with our hand, and make the robot move a different way. They also showed us all sorts of programming tricks, and how to make the robot do the dance moves we wanted it to do.
We mostly interacted with our PACE group by programming the robot together and coming up with dance moves for our robot. One thing I would like to tell PACE about their help and guidance is that I would like to thank them for that. They helped both of my robot groups a lot with programming. They inspired the group I'm in now to think outside the box with our dance moves and to always be creative. But one way they could help more is that everyone in the PACE group helps. Some PACE people don't do very much, and it would be nice if they did more. But all in all, there was a good outcome in working with PACE mentor groups.

11/14/2011 07:48:04 am

The progress that me my group had before the Pace students came was good. We had the robot built and ready and the sensors were working well too. So I think we were doing good. During class time my group and me were being very productive. I have to admit that we goofed off a little bit and got distracted, but we also did some good work. One thing that the Pace students taught me was how to program. I really had no idea how to program robots, so they helped me a lot. My group and the Pace guys interacted really well. We brainstormed ideas and we joked around a lot too. Maybe to use their time more wisely would be to not get distracted too much. When the Pace people come back I would like to thank them on how much they helped us. For example they helped us coming up with cool dance moves. They really inspired me to try harder to figure out how to do the programming. Maybe they could help more with finishing the choreography. I really felt excitement when they helped us program and when it really worked.

11/14/2011 08:06:09 am

I thought the progress we made with PACE was steady. We added a motor and created it to act like an arm. We also added 1 sensor and started to begin our programming we gave certain dance moves to the robot to give a better affect to the song. My group has been pretty productive and has made better work in certain areas. During our class time we were able to create a new robot and start to program and add sensors to the robot. We took awhile to pick a song and to begin our programming but eventually were able to catch up with other groups and create a robot that wouldn’t be to heavy or to light. One thing the PACE helped me to understand better was to be able to attach sensors and how to add a motor to the robot and use it as an arm. They helped me in many ways also including to be open minded and be sure to always ask for their help if needed.

11/14/2011 08:27:32 am

My group made some progress by adding sensors and by choosing a song for the robot to dance to. My group was pretty productive because we got an arm on, we programmed the robot to dance, and we ran the program to see if it works. They helped me understand teamwork by giving everyone a chance to program and thinking of ideas for a new song. I think my group and the PACE students interacted ok. I think this because some PACE students were doing nothing most of the time and some were helping out a lot of the time.
What my group could have done different was we could have not spent a lot of time looking for a new song and used the time we wasted for programming. I would like to tell the Pace people thanks for the help and the guidance. I would also like to tell them their help and guidance was very useful and will go a long way. They helped by giving us ideas for the program and helping with building the arm. They inspired me by knowing it doesn’t matter how old you are, you can still build LEGO robots, structures, and many more things. They could give us extra help by working a little more with the arm and working a little less on the program because the arm was harder to build and the program was easier to create.
I experienced a great time with my PACE mentors. They were really nice and fun. I was happy that they came and I can’t wait until they come again.

Ethan Lewis
11/14/2011 08:29:07 am

Before Pace came all we had done was install a arm and a new wheel system and while we were productive in building we lacked programming. One thing that Pace helped me understand better is that you do not need a lot of moves to have a good dance. Our group interacted with Pace by paring up to work on programming but to better use our time I believe we should have work as a group for better coordination and to Pace I would like to tell them: Thanks for all of your work, you inspired us a lot.

11/14/2011 08:36:41 am

I feel that our team is quite productive with and with out PACE. We were a little more productive with PACE because we more people to work. We got our programming done and our arm done. That is more than we have done in the past three LEGO times! I feel we got lucky with our PACE students they were very helpful. You should have the same program with your future class, it is great!!!

11/14/2011 08:42:35 am

My group made a good amount of progress before PACE came again. We programmed a little, we added a couple of sensors in, and we FINALLY picked a song for our robot to dance to. My group was pretty productive we did get a lot of work done, we made a couple silly jokes but while we were we were working hard so that's all that matters. My PACE group didn't talk to us that much but what they did sort of teach me is to make sure your dance moves kind of make sense to what the song is saying so like don't go around in circles if it doesn't make sense.

My team and the PACE students didn't really interact that much. But one of the PACE students helped us build a "fist pump" for our robot, and they helped us think of some dance moves. My group can insure we are using our time wisely, by doing less fooling around and getting ALOT more programming in because we want to make our dance really good and make it like no others. Maybe my group should add some creativity. Their help and guidance helped me at first really work on our robot a lot better and some tips on using legos. They told us what they excpirienced building their robot and some of the struggles they had. So that we wouldn't have thoughs specific struggles they had. I think they could help us more with the programming and coming up with cool new ideas to put on our robot. I was kind of hoping they would do that.

Leonardo R.
11/14/2011 09:27:55 am

Before the Pace students came in to help, McRae brought in his iPod to get some songs to make our robot dance. Class time has been good. We talked and planned the project. One thing i remember about the Pace students is when I tried to build a transformer truck, like Optimus Prime. It was too difficult so I decided to make a military helicopter and this was hard too. There were 2 Pace students who came in to work with our group.

The most fun was getting the robot to dance. I think we are going to win the dance contest!

11/14/2011 09:28:21 am

Before our mentors came we didn’t have a lot of work done. The only work we had done was deciding on our song, having sensors, and making it turn in circles. I think my group wasn’t very productive and we were listening to our song too much. I think the pace mentors helped us get a better understanding of how to program our robot and how to connect the head of our robot. I think that our group got along really well with our mentors and we had a lot of fun.

I think we could have used out time better by not spending so much time In the beginning talking and we could have used that time to build. I would like to thank the Pace mentors for helping us. They taught us a lot and they were really nice to us. I really liked doing Lego Robotics and I think the thing I learned most was how to program. The kids next year are in for a big treat if they do this next year because it is a lot of fun and you learn a lot.

11/14/2011 10:05:53 am

Your paragraph must include:
What progress had your group made before PACE came?
How productive has your group been during classtime?
What are 1-2 things that the PACE students helped you learn/better understand?
How did your team and the PACE group interact?
What could you do differently to ensure you are using your time wisely?
This is the last time PACE will be here to help you program. The next time they are here they will watch your dance-off. What would you like to tell them about their help and guidence through the process? How did they help? How did they inspire? How could they help more?
Please include anything else you learned/felt/saw/experienced during your time with your mentors!

11/14/2011 10:16:32 am

Our group had good progress before Pace students came for Lego robotics. We finished the robotic arm and we decided on a song which was “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga. My group was not really productive, because some of us were getting distracted, others were bee-boxing. Only one person was really doing all the work. But another person helped the programer out if it was needed, he made the claw while the other person figured out what the programing would be. The third person and I checked the song for inappropriate words. One of the things that the Pace mentors helped me understand was how to make the robot dance exactly the length of the song. My group interacted with our Pace group pretty well. Sometimes we would get distracted and talk about stuff that had nothing to do with the Lego Robotics. Other times we talked about on how to program the robot the right way so it doesn't go crazy, and do random movements.
I would try not to get distracted and focus on the programing and building it. I would like to thank the mentors for helping our group, because without them, we wouldn't have gone so far as we did with our mentors. We would have made the robot stop dancing way too early before the song would have ended. They could have helped us more by explaining what we should do next time if we had another dance-off but without any help from the mentors.

Leo S
11/14/2011 10:19:55 am

Before the PACE students came we started building the arm for our robot. Our group uses class time well. We usually get one to three things done in the time we are working. The PACE students did not help us to learn anything. But they helped us program the robot. My group and the PACE group interacted well. We liked our group. To ensure we are using our time wisely we could get started right away.

The PACE students helped us build the program. They did not inspire us. The PACE students could help more by not fooling around. For example they should not have been throwing a ball against the wall in the gym. I really enjoyed our time with our mentors because it was fun to build robots together.

11/14/2011 07:55:05 pm

My group did not make a lot of progress before PACE came. We restarted our robot but we finished it when they came. I would say my group, during class time, does a good amount of work. Today the PACE students helped us build, so I think I learned how to build better. My team and the PACE students interacted fine. We talked nice with them, and they were nice to us and helped us. I could change how wisely my group uses time, and we could definitely get faster at working. I think I will tell them we got on track because they helped us finish building the arm for our robot, and they told us good ideas for what dance moves we should use. They inspired me to work harder and not give up if I cannot get something right. I think they could help more with programming. I felt that one person could have helped us with programming and one could build. They all helped build, which is good, but we could of got through more if one helped with programming, and the other helping with building the robot. Other than that, I enjoyed my time today with the PACE students! I am exceded for the dance-off!

11/15/2011 12:11:08 am

Our progress before PACE was good. We choose our song, built the robot and started programming. We did well during class. Choosing the song and building the robot to our advantage. PACE helped us understand we could time the robot and the song to go together. Our team and PACE were friends and first sight. We got together alright and made a great team. We could have checked the robot and the dance together more often but we’re good.

PACE helped by letting us suggest ideas, and then give a little compromise instead of saying “No.” They inspired us by letting us know when we had a good idea. I’m not sure how they could’ve helped more than they already did. I won’t forget the time PACE came to PVC!

11/15/2011 09:12:49 am

Before PACE came our group has made two or three sensors. After PACE we had the arm that can spin, and a decent program. I will admit that we were not that efficient during class. We spent a lot of our time with the music. When the PACE students came three of them were like “we get this group.” So when we went to the gym we introduced each other and talked. Then, to work. At the gym we each spent our time wislly because EVERYBODY was working. I would be very pleased if we can tell them that our group has won the dance of.

11/16/2011 08:32:34 am

Today I had so much fun with pace.our group worked surprisingly well together. We also had fun while preparing our robot together.Our group had a song and our robot was kind of ready before PACE came.But when they came we chose a new song.Our group has been more worried about our song than our bot.Our pace team helped us build better when they came.We could spend time goofing off during class.I would say thank you for helping us program and build the arm to our robot to PACE.


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