During class today you participated in a wonderful presentation about Crime Scene Investigations! Detective Camillieri gave us some fun facts and information while Detective Gabrielsen took many of your fingerprints for your ID cards!

In your blog response tonight please answer 4 of the 5 questions in detail.

-Detective Camillieri gave us a few examples of some real crimes that have happened in Croton whereas detectives they used what we did! What were some of the examples he gave?

-What did Detective Camillieri tell us are the first few steps once you have identified a crime scene? Why?

-Why is it important to sketch the crime scene?

-What new things did you learn about fingerprints and crime scene investigations?

-How can you use the information you learned in class today to help you with your crime scene project?

You must type your response in Microsoft Word first. Then, copy and paste into the comment box here. REREAD your response and check for correct spelling, puncutation, and complete sentences

1/4/2012 04:34:02 am

When you first get the crime scene you have to try to see what kind of happened but that is the main goal at the end and who did it and why. They do this because if someone did something that they weren't supposed to they can find who but if they didn't they would keep doing it because they wouldn't get caught. It is very important to sketch out a crime scene because you can't tell how far or close two things are and also what if it gets moved you have no way of knowing if you don't sketch it. I learned that you can take DNA off of almost anything that if you are smoking you take it off the part that goes in your mouth or a glove or a drink or food and a lot more. I learned that there is three different types of fingerprints wurl, loop, and arch. I can use the information with the project by what type of fingerprint do p the suspects have or I did this to find a finger print on so and so. I think it will also help in a lot of other things maybe just for fun or when you grow up you mite want to do the same thing.

Erin :)
1/4/2012 04:49:25 am

The first step after you identified a crime scene is to secure the crime scene. Wind and rain do not stop just because you are working on a crime scene. The next step would be squaring away the crime scene. So you can say that there is an earring in square six of the crime scene. The police do everything they can to secure the crime scene. It is very important to sketch the crime scene. You can take many pictures, but that does not tell you how far apart an object is to another object.

A new thing that I leaned about finger print is that most criminals get caught because they are hungry. Let’s say that I rob a bank, and then I go to a dinner and drink a bottle of juice. The police scan than D.N.A on the juice bottle and catch the person who robbed the bank. Some of the things that we learn today will help me with the crime scene a lot. Detective Camillieri told use that no fingerprint can be the same. So that would means that the finger print on the cup, in the crime scene are really the persons finger prints, nobodies else’s.

1/4/2012 05:07:28 am

He told us the first few steps were to preserve the crime scene because if something happens to it you could lose all your evidence and the next step was to take pictures and draw the crime scene just in case you lose the evidence. It is important to sketch the crime scene because it is hard to tell in a photo how far apart everything is and a sketch you can scale everything correctly so you know the correct location of everything in the crime scene.
When the detectives came in I learned that there are many many different ways to find fingerprints and one of the most common ways is to take a powder that is the opposite color of what you think fingerprints are on the use a special brush the dust of the powder and then to preserve the fingerprint you use a certain sized adhesive strip depending on how big the fingerprint is and you put it where the fingerprint is without putting your fingerprint on the adhesive tape and that preserves the fingerprint finally you match it with the suspect. The information today showed me a lot of different ways to figure out a crime even though most of the things were about fingerprints I think it will still help.

1/4/2012 05:08:08 am

They gave how they put the powder on the places that they think the finger
print is on and when they take a special brush to identify the prints when they wipe all the
powder away they will see if there are fingerprint analysis. After you identify the crime scene you sketch the crime scene or if you find a fingerprint you will have to bring it to the lab. It is important to sketch a crime scene because if you sketch it you can be able to show it to your fellow officers.

One new thing I learned was that if they find a fingerprint they have to take it
to take it to a lab and analyze the finger prints. I can use the lab information to help with my project so if in my project I find a fingerprint I can say we took it to the lab and find it was this certain person.

Sean S
1/4/2012 05:08:45 am

Well one crime the detective told us about was when a woman came to our CVS and gave them a rancid check. The clerk checked it out and dialed the Croton police department. When they got there she fled the scene of the crime. But when they got the check the finger prints were on it. They traced it back to her and drove out to long island to bring her in. I thought that was really cool. The reason why you should sketch the crime is because you can judge range in a sketch but from a picture you can’t. Since I’m in my project I’m gonna to a detective’s point of view it really helped me. I learned that it is incredible how just 20 years ago we ust to dust now we just let machines do the work for us

1/4/2012 05:09:23 am

Today in class Detective Camillieri told us some examples of crimes that happened in Croton. One of the examples was of when there was a robbery at a store where the robber gave a note saying give me all your money. After the guy got the money he left the store, but without the note. When the police got there they took the note and looked at the fingerprints. Then they went to the guys house and found the notepad there.
When you're a detective it is important to keep a sketch of the crime scene. Why it's important is so if they (the detectives) are not there at the crime scene then they can use the sketch to take notes and to look at.
I learned two things new about fingerprints and crime scene investigations. One thing is they are made up of oils and body fluid, and the other thing is There is a sp0ecial outfit that the police sometimes where when they are going to a crime scene. The outfit is made to help you not leave any DNA on a crime scene. It's important to wear this so they don't confuse the DNA with their own.
I can use this information with my project in a lot of ways. I could use the fingerprint information to help explain how my suspect made the fingerprints look like the others. Or I can explain how he got the different people's DNA.

1/4/2012 05:32:56 am

the first step is to tape off the scene. it is important to take sketches of the crime scene because then if anything gets messed up you should take sketches. i learned the first steps of the crime scene. i learned that finger prints leave DNA. one of the examples is that a girl went to CVS and used a bad check. the caught her by using the fingerprints on the check.

1/4/2012 05:46:05 am

Today in class toady detectives Camillieri and Gabrienlsen came in to teach us more about the forensics of science, specifically fingerprints. Detective Camillieri told us about a crime he helped solve. It was about a guy who walked into the old GETTY’S gas station and gave a note to the cashier that said “give me all of your money and no one gets hurt.” Of course they cashier didn’t want anything to do with that guy so he handed over the money. After that they got detective C involved and it was no his duty to handle this crime. The first thing he did was to tell the guy to watch over the video tapes and see if there’s anything suspicious. Son after the cashier told him that he thinks that the guy who robbed the store was the same guy ho was I there earlier that day, he knew because they had the same shoes. The next day detective C got permission from the judge to go to the suspected criminal’s house. Sure enough when he went into the house not only was the clothes worn to commit the crime but was the notepad that was supposedly used in the crime. We didn’t have any proof, not until he took a good look at the notepad then he realized the when he tilted his head in a certain angle he could see the faint pencil marks spelling out “give me all of your money and nobody gets hurt.”
I think that it is very important to sketch out the crime scene first because you never know what animal or person could come on the crime scene and contaminate it. I learned a lot more about finger prints and crime scenes. One thing that I learned as that the collar of your shirt has DNA on it so if I was a criminal and ditched my clothes after the crime and the police found it they could test it for any DNA and find me that way. I thin that this lesson really helped me and know I know hen I’m writing my report I can include some of the many details I learned today about investigating a crime.

Darren Suss
1/4/2012 05:52:35 am

Today in class, Detective Camillieri gave us examples of some crimes that happened in Croton. One was when a burglar was about to brake in to someones house and he smoked a cigarette, and then through it on the ground, and from that, they found who did it. (finger prints/D.N.A.)

The first step to do to a crime scene is to secure it. Basically to make sure its safe from weather if it is outside, or if the building is not safe or something. The next step is to sketch it, or photograph it from different angles.

It is important to sketch the crime scene because, when you're drawing it you may notice things you did not see when taking pictures.

I learned that a fingerprint's ridges are mad from skin oils not from HOW you're born or the way you're are born. What is going to help me on the crime scene report is learning how to do the tape lift so that we know how to find the fingerprints on stuff that could have killed Felix. Today was a cool and great experience for me today

1/4/2012 06:00:46 am

One example of a crime scene was at the Gulf gas station. There was a man who walked into the store and held up a sign saying “give me all you money and nobody gets hurt”. There cameras all around the store and were able to catch most of the scene. The man quickly gave him the money and the thief departed the room leaving his warning sign behind. The police arrived at the scene and took notes on his feet. They eventually found the matching pair of shoes but they may not have been correct. So they found a man wearing the same pair of shoes but they thought they might not be completely sure of themselves so they checked his stature and height to see if he matched the figure of the criminal, which he did. They then asked for a warrant to check the man’s home. The judge granted them a complete search of the home only because the man had other criminal records. They then found the same notepad that he used for his piece of paper and then they arrested him.

It is important to sketch a crime scene because it will always be easy to remember and you may catch things you have not seen before and they must always take pictures from different angles to catch different things. I learned that all fingerprints won’t ever be the same and that you always leave fibers and sweat and DNA behind wherever you are. I also learned that most criminals wear gloves to protect their fibers from getting where the police may find them. I think some of the info I could use would help me because it shows me a number of fingerprints the suspects may have and could teach me how criminals actually get away with the crime and it will help immensely with my crime scene report. It can help you act like a detective and teach you the ways of how to prepare and help yourself if you decide to become a detective or a police officer.

Meredith :P
1/4/2012 06:02:37 am

Today Mr. Camillieri and Detective Gaberielsen came into our classroom to get our fingerprints for our ID cards. Mr. Camillieri told us A LOT about crime scenes and fingerprints. He told us what the first few steps after you have a crime scene are and here are some of them. One is to get any fingerprints that are at the crime scene. Fingerprints can be on people’s clothes, people that were at the crime scene or on any object that was at the crime scene. Another thing you do is securing the crime scene. You can put up CAUTION tape, a tent or something to keep things from getting ruined or blown away. One other thing you do is don’t ruin the crime scene! By walking on it, sitting on it and even leaning over it. Dead skin or hair good fall on the crime scene and possibly make you a suspect. He told us all of this because its important things you need to know and do. If you ruin a crime scene you have no case. If you don’t protect your crime scene from other people, they could become suspects. It’s important to sketch the crime scene for many reasons. One reason is if you take a picture the spacing will be wrong. If you sketch the crime scene you can draw the cup where it needs to be, the comb and so on, you can draw everything in the right place. I learned one new thing about fingerprints. If you work at a restaurant and your job is to wash the dishes your hand is constantly in the water and your rubbing your hands together and on the dishes. Lets say you do this for about 8 hours and you do it 7 days a week. Your fingerprint will ware off and soon your fingerprint will only be a blank. This is also true if you’re a construction worker because of the cement and dust and dirt that you work with. I can use all of this information with my crime scene project to understand more about the drawing of the crime scene and so I can find out more about the suspects.

1/4/2012 06:09:48 am

Some examples were that they use fingerprints, footprints,hair strands,blood, and other DNA. The first step is to close it off and secure it and then make sure that no one enters it.Then you put a full body non contaminated suit and go in and look for the suspect's DNA.Then if you can't find good enough evidence you can ask the judge for permission to enter the suspect's house and look for evidence.To get a better detailed concept of it and to look at it closer because you can't enter it.
Some new things I learned about fingerprints is that you can put dust on them and then you can see them way better and if a burgular was wearing gloves and then left them at the scene you can get the fingerprints from inside the gloves.It can help you with your crime scene project because now you know more informatoin about crime scenes.

1/4/2012 06:10:52 am

Detective Camillieri talked about a robbery that happened in Croton at the gas station on Riverside. He told us that robber used a note rather than speaking to the gas attendant. The attendant kept the note and the note was used as evidence. From the note handwriting samples can be taken. He also told us that there was a video camera that recorded the robbery. Detective Camillieri told us that the video of the man was used to help to catch the perpetrator.
Detective Camillieri told us that the first step in identifying a crime scene is to preserve the evidence. Detectives will use a yellow tape to close off the crime scene. It is important for them to preserve the scene so that evidence does not get tainted, lost or damaged. Detectives will also photograph or sketch the crime scene so that they can use it in court for evidence and also refer back to it during their investigation. Photos can be blown up to reveal more details.
Today I learn that fingerprints are extremely important in a crime scene investigation because each person has a unique fingerprint. Having a fingerprint at the scene of a crime ensures that the person must have been there. I also learned that different types of fingerprints are more popular than others. For example more people have a loop type of fingerprint than an arc type of fingerprint. However each person fingerprint is unique to that person.

1/4/2012 06:11:31 am

It is important to sketch the crime scene because than it shows you the distance between the objects. Its like when there are two chairs and you take a picture but you can’t tell the difference in space between them. It is also good to sketch it because if anything happens to the camera and the scene starts to blow away than you always have that drawn copy to refer to. It is always good to go that extra step and sketch it because than it can help by just having a hard copy. One new thing that I learned is that today when they take your fingerprints the do it through the computer instead of taking your fingerprint on paper. Another thing that i learned is that identical twins don’t have the same fingerprint as each other. I’m going to use the information to help me because it gives me a little more background and that will help me write up my report. It has information on what happens behind the crime kind of like a backstage pass. Detective Camilleri told us that there was a girl with a fake check that she was paying at in the CVS in Croton and she had to give her ID and she ran but, she left the check. The problem was that she had touched the check so her fingerprint was on it. When they traced it back she had been in long island and got arrested. So they found her because they found the fingerprints and they found out that the girl had done the crime and they aisrrested her. So we did what they did today because some people had touched the CD case so than we put black powder on the CD case, the fingerprints showed up and we took an adhesive thing and pressed it on there and the finger print came of off it.

1/4/2012 06:17:16 am

When the detectives came into our class, they talked about fingerprints and evidence that criminals leave behind. While Detective Camillieri was talking he gave us a few examples of crimes that were committed in Croton. One of those crimes occurred at a gas station. The criminal entered the station and gave the cashier a note that said, “Give me all of your money and no one gets hurt.” The cashier did as he was told. The minute the criminal left the station, the cashier called the police. The same way that we did, the police dusted for fingerprints, but they got no evidence. As for us we found evidence. Fortunately the crime was on video, and the owner remembered the criminal’s sneakers because he came there for gas before. So the detectives got a permit, then went to the person’s house and found all of the evidence that they needed to say he was the criminal. It is important to sketch the crime scene because then you can get the shape and size of the scene. This is important because the detectives need to know the shape and size of the scene. I learned that fingerprints are one of the most important pieces of evidence in a crime scene because they can identify a person. I can use what I learned from the detective to help me figure out who did the crime and why we use fingerprints to figure out who did the crime in our crime scene.

1/4/2012 06:26:45 am

I had a great experience with the detectives today. One of the crimes that detective Camilleri used was: a lady went to CVS here in croton, she used someone elses check to pay for something. She left the check on the desk when she saw a policeman come and ran put. They were able to track here down by the fingerprint and they found her in Long Island. When you first look at the crime scene you take a detailed picture that capture everything at the scene. They draw or sketch out the crime scene so they can add a scale of where everything on the scene is located. With a picture you can't tell measurements on the small sheet of paper unlike a drawing.

During this figure print "class" I learned that a person who makes cement have the least print on their finger because it wipes away all the finger oil. The second worst job that can make your fingerprint demolish is......... a human dish washer. Did you ever have that mushy feeling on your fingers when you take a shower? These people who do these jobs has that feeling 8 hours a day. This destroys their fingerprints. In the crime scene project we studied fingerprints and out of this learning period is that there are 3 different types of fingerprints and I hope in my report I hope I can add how I fingerprinted the suspects.

When I think of fingerprints i think of the saying " make your mark!"

1/4/2012 06:27:36 am

One example of a crime committed in Croton was when a girl at a bank gave a fake check to the bank teller and the teller looked at the check and said: “This does not look right. Could I please see some I.D.?” The girl knew that she did not have any I.D., so she ran and the police caught her in Long Island. The first few steps to identify a crime scene are to measure the crime scene with a scale. Before that step you sketch the scene to determine the length and width within the scene. It is important to sketch a crime scene because usually you can see different lengths of items in the scene while photographs can’t. Some things that I have learned about fingerprints and investigations were that you have to take sketches and photographs. Also I have learned that when you are a baby, you get your foot printed.

1/4/2012 06:31:18 am

Today we had a very fun Crime Scene Investigation Presentation about fingerprints. Detective Camillieri talked to us about the first steps the detective does once they have identified a crime scene. The first step is to secure the crime scene. Usually, to secure a crime scene the detective has to use crime scene tape to tape off the area. If the weather gets in the way, the detective will have to protect the crime scene with a tent, tarp, or other protective covering. The next step that Detective Camillieri mentioned is photographing and sketching the crime scene. You need to photograph or sketch everything so that if a piece is lost you could still find evidence from the picture. Then you would have to look for trace evidence, specifically DNA or fingerprints. Is correctly identified, DNA could lead right to a suspect. Sketching the crime scene is extremely important. I know this because in a sketch you can label every item in the crime scene. Also, you can you can put in the location, scale and how far things are away from each other on the sketch. You cannot do this on a photograph.

I learned a lot about finger prints and crime scene investigations. I learned that finger prints can be made by pressing your finger into a substance like concrete, putting your finger in ink, and also by sweat and hand oils on your finger. Also, not even identical twins have exactly the same finger print. I found it funny that some robbers get arrested just because they wanted a drink or food. As soon as someone touches something their DNA gets on it. A lot of the information I learned today will help me in my crime scene report. I can include the first steps taken after the detective identifies the crime scene if I take the detective point of view. If I am the detective I will use the information about recovering DNA and finger prints. I really liked our Crime Scene Investigation Presentation.

1/4/2012 06:34:52 am

Today Detective Camillieri came in to talk to us about crime scenes. One of the first things he said was the first few steps once you have identified the crime scene. The first step that you do is you seal the crime scene. He said that if you are outside you could put up a tent so the wind doesn’t blow away the evidence, or maybe you would have to call some more cops to help. The second step would be to take a picture of it. Detective Camillieri said that you have to take many different pictures from many different angles. Also you have to draw it. A picture shows everything that is there but a drawing tells how far apart things are. If a can of soda is a few centimeters from the victim’s hand he/she probably drank from it, but if the can was on th other side of the room he/she probably did not drink from it. I also learned that an arch fingerprint is the rarest of all the fingerprints. Another thing is that they take pictures of the crime scene. I never knew that. Maybe I could make the crime scene report more interesting and say that a piece of evidence got blown away by the wind or something.

1/4/2012 06:41:36 am

One example of a crime that had happened in Croton is when the Gulf (now Exxon) was robbed. By using cameras and blood samples they got a warrant to search a man’s house where they found enough evidence to arrest him.
The first few things that policemen do at a crime scene are:
1. Secure the crime scene.
2. Take photos.
3. Get information on what happened.
It is important to sketch the crime scene because although photos give detail, they are not good for location, space and size.
I learned a few things about fingerprints and crime scene investigations. First of all, I learned that even though there are many ways to escape being traced to the crime, very few criminals use them such as wearing gloves. In addition, there is an entire database of fingerprints that contain all prints of former criminals. No matter how small the crime, DNA, fingerprints and mug shots are collected.

Nicholas S:]
1/4/2012 06:45:49 am

The few things that detective Camillieri told us about were that you first have to close out the crime scene to the public so people cannot get their DNA on it. Once the crime scene is secured, you can then take pictures of the entire area just in case anything blows away during the investigation. Finally, you should sketch a diagram of the crime scene so you can get the exact measurements that will help to determine how far apart the objects are. Just taking photos and not also sketching the crime scene makes the crime far more difficult to solve. For example, when a forensic police officer is back at the police station attempting to solve the crime and they want to get the exact measurement of how far apart the dead body was from the murder weapon, they cannot obtain this from just the photos. The only way this measurement can be accurately determined is if someone also produces a sketch of the crime scene. The new things that I learned about fingerprints are that they do not use ink to find out the criminals fingerprint, instead, they use a high tech computer that analyses the finger and matches the finger print to the criminal. Also the new things that I learned about investigations are that it is always important to never touch the evidence.

1/4/2012 06:47:44 am

Some of the first steps after police officers have identified a crime scene are to first secure the crime scene. That is so that no one goes into the crime scene and contaminates it. Usually police tape is used. Then they take pictures to remember what was exactly in the crime scene. Police officers cannot pick things up in a crime scene because they may leave their DNA on objects. Police officers also look for fingerprints and DNA. They draw a picture of the crime scene. This is important so that they know the scale of objects and how far apart they are. They cannot tell by photographs.
I learned that when a police officer finds fingerprints on a crime scene they send them in to a big database that has a lot of other people’s fingerprints stored in it like a bank. It can take weeks or even months for the police to get the information back about whose fingerprints they were. We also learned that police officers put a certain dust or ink on a fingerprint to see it more clearly and then find out whose it is. We learned that sometimes criminals drop what they’re holding when they’re done committing a crime. That can help us in our crime scene unit because there is a lot of random stuff on the crime scene like an earring that could have DNA on it. The earring could have been dropped by the criminal in their haste to leave.

alyssa fenger
1/4/2012 07:04:00 am

Detective Camillieri gave some examples such as:
 Dusting for fingerprints
 Checking the length between each footprint to measure how tall the person is
 Checking for skin cells
 Checking for footprints
 Checking for strands of hair
 Checking for pet footprints, fur, or slobber
And much more, but I only listed a few of the many. Do you want to know why it is important to sketch the crime scene and not just take pictures? It is so you know the exact length between every little thing, so you don’t count just on pictures. You have to sketch the crime scene (for example) you would know how many feet each chair was away from each other, instead of guestimating the length on the photograph. Actually, I learned a lot about fingerprints and crime scene investigations! Well, I learned that DNA is something you can easily find on a crime scene, even stuff like skin cells and tear drops! Everybody has different DNA. The information I learned to day can help me with the projet because I can add in a lot of detail and facts and earn myself a higher grade because I added in detail that we did not learn from Mrs. Scollins, but a real Detective!

1/4/2012 07:44:48 am

Detective Camillieri told us the first few steps once you identify a crime scene are to first take pictures. Then sketch the crime scene. They take pictures with a special camera for crime scenes. Then they have to sketch it because you can’t tell the space between stuff in pictures. It’s important to sketch the crime scene so you can tell the space between stuff in the crime scene. You can’t do that in a picture! I learned that some people don’t have fingerprints! I also learned that detectives take pictures and sketch the crime scene. It will help me by helping me understand some of the tests more thoroughly.

Maccray Rentel
1/4/2012 08:04:08 am

Detective Cam told us that there was a burglary at a gas station a while ago and the robber left no evidence behind, but there was a camera in the store. However the robber was wearing gloves, a hat, and a bandana, so he couldn’t identify the thief by look. He could see his sneakers, but just relying on a shaggy, generic pair of sneakers would do him no good. Detective Cam asked the person at the front desk more questions. He found out that the robber passed the guy at the front desk a note that said, give me the money and no one gets hurt. The front counter guy gave him the money and then called the cops. The detective searched for thieves with a history, his hunch was right. Cam was given a warrant to go into this robber’s house. In the house Cam found the pad that the robber used to write the note.
The first step is to put up the cool crime scene “do not cross” tape so that no one walks in and ruins the evidence. Next you take photographs and make drawings so that no matter where you are you can see the scene. Also if someone does come and disturb the scene you will still have a record of it. The next step is to put on your coverall so that when you are actually on the scene analyzing the evidence you don’t put your own DNA on it!
It is important to sketch the crime scenes because sometimes when you are taking the photographs they can be a little out of proportion. When drawing, it is easier to make the drawings in proportion.
Today in class I learned that on your right pinky and on your left pinky the fingerprints are not the same. I always thought that your fingerprints matched on each hand. I also learned that identical twins aren’t exactly “identical”, yes their DNA is the same but their fingerprints are surprisingly different.
We can use the information we learned today in our stories. Let’s say that you are a detective and you are on a case, you can use some of that cool dust powder to get the fingerprints. Or if you’re a lawyer you can try proving your case by showing a picture that the detective took. If you are the suspect you can hope that the police and/or detectives will not use any of those cool gizmos and gadgets.

1/4/2012 08:19:53 am

One example was a guy who walked into a gas station that had cameras, dressed all in black. He walked up to the cashier and handed him a note, and said “Give me all your money and no 0ne gets hurt”. The man gave him the money, and the guy walked right out of the store. The man called the police immediately. The police came and they didn’t really find any evidence of finger marks so they told the man to watch the camera from today and see if any body matched in size or anything else that might give them a clue. After a little while the man called back and said he thought he knew who it was. He thought it was a man with the same shoes. The police wouldn’t have looked into him if they weren’t the same size. The police got a search warrant from a judge, and went into the mans house and found out that he was indeed the man who committed the crime.
The first thing you need to do at a scene of a crime is to rope of the crime scene with police tape to preserve all evidence. The next thing you do is take pictures of the crime scene, from all angles. The last step he told us was to draw a sketch of the crime scene so you had your proportions right. It is important to sketch the crime scene so that it sticks in your brain as well as, to get the proportions right.
I learned that finger prints could be lifted from anything using a special powder and tape. I also learned that 75% of people have wave prints, 20% of people have whorl prints, and 5% percent of people have arch prints.

1/4/2012 08:54:29 am

Detective camillieri said that u do first after you have identified the crime scene is you must take a picture at almost every angle of the crime scene. Then you must draw a detailed sketch of the crime scene. I think you should take pictures of the crime scene because it is more time efficient because In stead of having to stay In your office and you forget a detail of the crime scene. Would you rather stay in the office and look at the picture or go back and forth to see the crime scene and not alway is it close by. Scetching is inportant because in pictures you really can't tell if something is six feat or one foot. In sketches you can make it to scale and label how big is this and how big is that. Detective camaliri gave an example of a man robing a gas station and a man robing a house and getting hungry. In the descustion on the finger prints with the detective I have learned that there are three types of finger prints, the really obvious ones like if you put your finger in a bar of soap or in ink and on the table. And also the not so visible ones like if you put it on a window or some glass. The least visible one is if you put your hand on table and is almost invisible. To find these you must put dust (colored is best). On it. That is what I have learned today :D

1/4/2012 09:05:34 am

Today in class we had a detective come in and help us learn more about what goes on at a crime scene. He taught us many things including the following steps once a crime scene is identified: 1) Secure the crime scene so no one can contaminate the crime scene with their DNA. 2) Draw the crime scene or take a picture of it then print it out and analyze it. 3) Get in a full body suit, go into the crime scene and investigate to find evidence of the criminal. It’s really important to draw the crime scene because while you’re drawing it you can find different information that you did not see just looking at it. All the facts the detective told us is going to improve my report by 100%. He did not just tell us stuff, he explained everything in detail.
The detective told us that if a police officer thinks that a person is a suspect they can ask the judge permission to search their house to find evidence to connect the person to the crime. If the judge says yes, the police are allowed to go in the house. If the judge says no, they cannot go in the house.

Claire :-)
1/4/2012 09:11:52 am

One of the crime stories was about a girl from Long Island who came to CVS in N.Y. She used a fake check. She also said her name was "Maya Jones," but that was false.
It is important to draw a sketch of a crime scene because you can look at it when you are not at the crime scene and you can have better measurements unlike a picture taken from a camera.
I've always wondered how could you see fingerprints on a crime scene. It's not like the suspects or witness (es) have ink on they're hands. That’s what I learned today about fingerprinting; that forensics, investigators, and detectives use special dust to see the fingerprints. Then, they use special adhesive to lift it off and observe, which I find very clever.
I think this helps me with my crime scene report since we did the tape lift today and there was DNA on some of the items on the clothing of the suspects. I enjoyed Detective Gabrielsen and Detective Camillieri coming in and I would like having them come in again.

1/4/2012 09:37:26 am

The information we learned in class today is going to help us for many reasons in writing our crime scene report. For one we learned more about how to properly solve a crime and how to identify finger prints. This will help us write our report because we can put the information into our own words to help make our reports better. In class we learned a lot more about fingerprints and crime scene investigations. We learned how to put powder on fingerprints found in and around the crime scene to make them show up better. Then we learned that you take a kind of tape thing and lift the fingerprint off. Then you send the fingerprint to a special lab to get identified.
It is important to sketch the crime scene so you can know everything about the scene. You have to sketch the crime scene scientifically so you can have a perfect drawing to draw conclusions. Detective Camalari talked about a crime scene in Croton were a girl came to CVS with a fake check. She gave the check to the clerk and the clerk got suspicious. The girl then ran out and escaped to long island. The police got the fake check from the clerk and identified the fingerprint. They found the girl in long island and she got charges pressed against her.

Leo S
1/4/2012 09:37:43 am

Once you have identified a crime scene the first few things you do are: look for blood, fingerprints, and any form of DNA. The reason you do this is to try to identify the criminal.

It is important to sketch the crime scene for scale. When you are taking a picture you are not going to see how far away the (for example) chairs are but when you are drawing a sketch you can try to approximately sketch how far apart the chairs are to scale.

I learned that fingerprints can be lifted with a fingerprint lifter. I also learned that you can uncover fingerprints with a special dust. I learned that a lot of criminals get hungry or thirsty and go into the people’s refrigerator.

If I was to write my report from the point of view of a detective I would be able to include all of the information from today.

1/4/2012 09:38:47 am

It is important to sketch a crime scene because a photograph cannot pick up measurements and also the evidence may blow away. Detective Camilieri had told us of a crime of a fake check. The criminal was putting a check that was not hers. Once asked for I.D. she ran off without the check. Detective Camilieri sent the check in to get checked for prints. They figured out who the person was and where she lives and were able to prosecute her. I can use the information learned today on my report because I learned that when DNA is found on an item it is from the person whose DNA is found there and not forged. Learned that only 5% of the people in the world have an arch as a finger print and only 15% have a loop for a fingerprint.

1/4/2012 09:45:33 am

It is important to sketch the crime scene because if you take a picture from a bad angle or take it from far away and you can’t see, then the sketch will be a lot more helpful than the picture. It will also show you something that you might not have in your pictures.

A few examples that he gave us are of some real crimes, and they used what we used: a few years ago a guy went to a golf course and handed the guy working there a piece of paper that said, “Give me all your money, and no one gets hurt.” They found the guy by matching the clothes with the person and going to his house and finding clues. Also, they use fingerprints, DNA tests and other tests. We did that in our crime scene too!

Some new things I learned is that when you write on a pad or if you look at it at a certain angel, you can see the same words that were written. I also learned that if you wear a glove then take it off your fingerprints are on the inside of the glove.

The first few steps are: 1) put the “do not cross” tape sign up so no one comes in or out of the crime scene. 2) Take pictures from all different angels. 3) Try to find the suspects and ask questions. 4) Conduct fingerprint and footprint tests.

1/4/2012 09:51:58 am

It’s important to sketch a crime scene because you can see it from scale and if you lose the camera, you can look at the picture. Some new things I learned about fingerprints and crime scene investigations are that your fingerprints can be removed by burning them, putting them in acid, or putting them in cement. This is because if you burn them you burn your skin cells and skin cells are what make fingerprints. Putting them in acid does the same thing but more painful, I would think. Cement has acids inside it. If you touch it and then let the cement dry, that means the acids had time to get to your skin. This will burn the skin cells and destroy the fingerprint. Something else I learned is that not even identical twins have the same fingerprints. Detective Camillieri told us that the first few steps after we identified a crime scene are to look for clues, DNA, and evidence. He told us this because it is important information to find the suspects.
I can use this info I learned today to help with my crime scene project by getting more creative. For example, I can do this by adding the information to my story by saying someone burnt their fingers, and then tampered with Felix’s drink. I could also say when no one was looking, a person put someone else’s DNA on Felix’s cup to frame them.

1/4/2012 10:08:18 am

1. Detective Camillieri gave us a few examples of some real crimes that have happened in Croton whereas detectives they used what we did! What were some of the examples he gave?
Detective Camillieri talked about a real crime that happened in Croton. The thief had a fake cheque and went into CVS to buy something. When the cashier asked the thief for money, the thief gave the cheque. The cashier was a little suspicious and asked a question to the thief that made her run out of the store. When she ran out, she took everything with her except the cheque. When the police and Detective Camillieri came in to investigate, they took the cheque and sent it to the DNA system to inspect on who the suspect is. They knew that the thief had to touch the cheque to give it to the cashier. They knew that they cheque would have some DNA, of the thief, on it. They used that evidence to eventually catch the thief in Long Island.
2. What did Detective Camillieri tell us are the first few steps once you have identified a crime scene? Why?
Once you have indentified the crime scene, Detective Camillieri said that police officers square off the scene so that no one else touches anything that might mislead the detectives. Then police officers take digital pictures of the scene from every angle and if able to take a picture from the top, even the top. They also sketch the crime scene on paper. Officers will find a way to prevent the crime scene from rain, sleet, snow or any kind of weather.
3. Why is it important to sketch the crime scene?
It is important to sketch the crime scene because 1) Police officers can lose the camera, the battery may die or if it’s raining, the rain could ruin the camera and 2) The digital pictures will not give you the correct distance between any two given objects. A picture that is drawn with a scale can be used to mark the accurate measurements.
4. What new things did you learn about fingerprints and crime scene investigations?
I learned that detectives roll your finger on the ink pad to see all of the marks on your finger. I thought that they would just press the finger on the ink and press the finger on the piece of paper. I also learned that ink pad fingerprinting is outlawed. They don’t use the ink pad to finger print suspects. They use machines that can scan the fingers and the print appears on a computer and they save it on a file. The machines save a lot of time and it is much faster than the ink and pad version. I have an experience in using the finger scanner machine. When I came back from India to the US, I had to go through Customs. In Customs, they made me put my hand on a machine and it turned green. The machine actually scanned my finger. It was so cool because I didn’t even know that they were scanning my fingers.

1/4/2012 10:08:34 am

Today, Detective Camillieri and Detective Gabrielsen did a presentation about finger prints, DNA and other forensics. Detective Camillieri told us about what you need to do once you've identified a crime scene. First, you make sure the public cannot access the crime seen, so nobody's finger prints and DNA are found and used to faultily solve the crime. After that, you secure the area of the weather, like putting a tarp up if you're in an area where rain might come. Our class was also informed that it is very important to sketch crime scenes. This is important because it helps to judge distance, in case something is close to someone, but you don't know if they used it because it may or may not be close enough to the body.
One thing we learned is that suspects do sometimes drop things that have DNA on them, which you can analyze. For instance, a cigarette or a drink. Another thing we learned was that DNA can be found on nearly everything. Also, we learned how a clue could be near anything, even nail polish. The things we learned will help us to be able to piece together Felix Navidad's murder. It'll help us because we'll know what happens in a crime scene (after the crime has happened) too.

1/4/2012 10:48:50 am

Today Detective Camillieri gave us a few examples of some real crimes that happened in Croton. One of them when a man in a jumpsuit robbed money from Shell gas station. Another time he arrested a man for trying to rob someone's boat.
The first few steps once you arrived at the crime scene is to secure it so no one could walk through. The next step is to ask the suspects or witnesses what happened at the scene. The third step is to take pictures of the crime scene at different angles so you can see all of the evidence. The fourth step is to look for anything there that could have the criminal's DNA.
Drawing a sketch can help you see how far apart some of the evidence was, where the criminal's foot prints were exactly found and at what distance.
I learned that fingerprints are all different, no one has the same print, not even identical twins.
I also learned that investigators at a crime scene use a special powder to find fingerprints on objects.
What I learned about crime scene was that you can never commit a crime without leaving a single trace behind, people always leave a trace, for instance, if you enter someone's house to rob the owner, you leave foot prints on the floor;and find something that you want to steal, when you grab it you may leave finger prints on the table. When the police find the finger print they can identify the thief.

1/4/2012 11:04:55 am

When Detective Camillieri came to visit us, I learned many things about fingerprints. They can be found anywhere. Even if you commit a crime when wearing gloves, but leave them behind. they can find fingerprints on the inside of your glove. I also learned that dusting fo fingerprints can be harder than it looks. You have to alternate colors. If the surface is white, use black powder. If the surface is black, use white powder. All fingerprints are unique. Each one is different, even for indentical twins. It's important to sketch a crime scene because you have to tell how close one thing is to another. Detective C calls this scale. Sometimes a camera takes a picture that doesn't have scale so it's good to have a backup.

Detective C told some stories about past crimes that have been commited. I can only remember one. So a person with a hat, hood, and sunglasses goes up to a bank teller and gives him a note that says 'Give me all your money and no one gets hurt.' The teller gives the money and the guy keeps the note. The cops are called and were told the story. Detective C told the manager to play the tape and the manager found someone because the shoes matched and Detective C looked up the guy and turned out that he was a bad guy and got a warrent to search his house and found the pad which had the printt of what he wrote and everything .The man is now in prison.

Matt Harris =|
1/5/2012 05:01:09 am

When Detective Camillieri came to visit us, I learned many things about fingerprints. Whatever you touch fingerprints will show up (Inless Its Water) Also he told us about a crime that happend in croton. What happend was that someone went to CVS and tryed to use someone elses check it had another persons name on it. The person at CVS didnt think that was the person and the person who did the crime left the store. Not so much later they found out the person was in Long Island. They safely got her.

Cassidy <3 :)
1/5/2012 08:53:56 am

Mr. Camillieri told us a lot about crime scenes and fingerprints. The first step after you identified a crime scene is to secure the crime scene so that if something happens to it you could lose all of your evidence. The next step would be squaring away the crime scene. You do that so you could say, "there are three footprints in square four" or "there is a bracelet in square eight." The police do a lot of stuff to make sure that the crime scene is well secured. It is important to sketch out a crime scene because then you can tell how far or close two things are. Also, if something happens to the crime scene you have it on paper. I learned that a fingerprint's ridges are made from skin oils not from how your born. I also learned that a person who makes cement have the least fingerprint on their finger because it wipes away all the finger oil. I can use the things I learned today in my crime scene report beacause I am a detective and I need to know these things.

Taylor C.
1/5/2012 08:28:54 pm

Detective Camillieri talked to us about fingerprints. He told us the steps of a crime scene. The first step is to secure the crime scene. The second is call for backup if needed. The third is take pictures of it and the fourth is to draw the scene. It is important to sketch a crime because photographs don’t tell distance between objects but a sketch can include a scale. Detective Camillieri also talked about some crimes he helped solve. One crime was how they tracked down a person all the way to Long Island for writing a false check. One thing that I learned about fingerprints was that they go to a type of “bank” called SAFIS after they are scanned in to a computer. I also learned that DNA can be found on clothing.


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