Tonight for homework please answer the following two questions:
Which point of view are you writing from for you project? Why did you choose that?
1/5/2012 04:14:39 am

I chose the detective. I chose that because I thought I knew how to write like that the most and we learned about what they do and how also that really helps.

1/5/2012 04:18:45 am

The point of view I chose for my crime scene project is a detective. I chose a detective because it sounds really interesting and fun. Also, you get to talk about all the tests I did, all the investigations I made and you get to write a big report on who you think it is and why. That is why I chose detective for my crime scene project.

1/5/2012 04:36:55 am

i chose a detective's point of view for my project. i chose this because i already had an idia of what i am going to do.

1/5/2012 04:40:38 am

For my Crime Scene project I will chose to be a suspect. I have chosen to be a suspect because it will be easier to describe who I think did the scene.

Erin :)
1/5/2012 04:45:07 am

The point of view that I will be writing from a suspects. I want to write at the point of view because I could put more writers’ crafter into it.

1/5/2012 04:45:46 am

I’m doing the Detective point of view. I chose the detective role because I think it would be cool to be the person who is actually looking at the crime scene and learning about all the evidence. Also al a long we have been playing the role of a detective so it wont be as hard.

1/5/2012 04:53:02 am

I am writing my report from the point of view of a suspect. I am writing it that way because I think that that point of view is challenging to write about but also fun.

1/5/2012 04:53:18 am

I chose the suspect point of view. I chose it because I think that I can make it more creative and interesting this way.

1/5/2012 04:54:27 am

For my crime scene project I will be taking the role of the suspect. Why I want to be the suspect is it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm excited about making a note explaining the crime! Also because it sounds like an interesting point of view in a crime scene.

1/5/2012 04:54:53 am

I chose to write in detective form.

1/5/2012 04:55:26 am

For my crime scene report I chose choice #1 detective. I think it would be fun writing from a detective’s point of view. When you showed us examples from last year that one looked really fun and I think I am interested in solving puzzles. Everyone look out, here comes Detective Baranowski!

1/5/2012 04:56:10 am

I choice to be a detective for this report. I choice this one because I think it will be a little bit of a challenge putting it into that form.

Matt Harris =\
1/5/2012 04:56:46 am

Im gonna pick a suspect because i have a good feeling that Kendra did it. So im gonna write about Kendra

1/5/2012 05:05:26 am

I am going to write my crime scene report in the point of view of a detective. I chose this because I want my crime scene report in a way a detective would, what I mean by that is I want my report to be official and written in type writer form, and I want different colored font to write the different tests we preformed to solve the murder mystery. I wanted the reader to think this was coming from a real detective. And I want it to be sounded like I was going to secretly send the report to the police.

1/5/2012 05:12:21 am

For the crime scene project, I am writing from the point of view of one of the suspects. I chose that because it could be fun to put myself in the shoes of some one suspected of a crime that they may or may not have done. Also I think that it is a really good way to get the information that we learned from the tests across.

1/5/2012 05:30:34 am

I'm going to write my point of view from a detective because it'll be the most fun because you can act like you're just knowing what's happening wheras a lawer you need to know everything right there. So that's why I want to be a detective.

1/5/2012 05:31:29 am

I chose to write from the suspect's point of view. I chose this choice because I think that I will do a good job in building suspense.

1/5/2012 05:33:30 am

For the crime scene report I choose to be a detective in this case. I choose this because it would be really fun to write from a detective’s point of view.

1/5/2012 05:37:18 am

I will be writing as a Detective. I chose that point of view because it's fun when you have to think, and record facts like a detective.

1/5/2012 05:37:29 am

I chose the detective because it will be like doing the lab but in an detective kind of form instead of a lab.

1/5/2012 05:45:56 am

I'm going to been Gene's lawyer. I chose being a lawyer because I am interested in that topic. Although all of the suspects all are suspicious, Gene seems the least suspicious.

1/5/2012 05:55:04 am

I chose the point of view as the suspect/murderer. I picked this point of view because I thought it would be interestiing to see what the murderer thought about the crime they committed. I will be interesting to see the outcome.

Sean S
1/5/2012 06:11:29 am

I’m writing from the point of view of a detective. I chose that because I love being the good guy and it kind of sounds easier.

1/5/2012 06:59:32 am

I am going to be writing from the point of veiw of a detective.I am going to be doing the crime scene project as a detective because I think it will be fun to get all the clues,find the evidence and tell who commited the murder. If it was real or a fake murder.

Meredith :)
1/5/2012 07:05:53 am

For my Crime Scene Report I chose to write through the detective's eyes. I chose this because it seems that you can add more facts into the report and it seems like you can add more about the suspects than any other option. I am VERY excited to start this project!!!!!!!!

1/5/2012 07:16:44 am

For the crime scene report I am doing it from the point of view of the suspect. i chose this one because it didn't understand the other choices.

1/5/2012 07:37:05 am

I am writing from the alleged murder’s point of view. I deiced to write from this point of view because I can be creative and it seems like a challenge to me.

Darren Suss
1/5/2012 07:38:27 am

I am writing from the point of view of a detective. I chose this because
I like to describe the evidence and all of the clues found. That is because of I like to problem solve #2. That is why i want to do the point of view of a detective.

1/5/2012 07:43:21 am

I have chosen the detective point of view because I think that the detective is going to be a little bit more natural work. The other options are cool but I think that it will not be fluent.

Nicholas S:]
1/5/2012 07:43:22 am

What point of view I’m writing from is the suspect. I chose this because I want reader to read the point of view coming from who I think the criminal is.

1/5/2012 08:40:50 am

I am going to be a detective. I chose this because I have learned so much and I want to try being one because the crime scene has been so much fun as a detective.

1/5/2012 09:49:43 am

For my project I'm writing from the point of view of the suspect. I'm writing my crime scene report in this fashion because it's a fun option, and gives my a lot to play with.

1/5/2012 09:53:03 am

I am writing from Felix's point of view. I am writing at this point of view because i will add a twist to it.

1/5/2012 11:11:25 am

For the crime scene report, I will be a detective. I chose this topic because I liked what I learned from the detective that spoke to our class. I thought it was very interesting. I think it will be fun planning the report from a detective’s eye. I also think it will be a great experience to be a detective because I will get to figure out who the criminal is in the case.

Taylor C.
1/5/2012 07:53:16 pm

I am going to be a lawyer for the project. I chose that because I think it is going to be a challenge writing from that point of view.

1/7/2012 01:40:10 am

I chose to be a lawyer because my mom is one and being a detective or a suspect did not appeal to me.

1/7/2012 01:52:21 pm

I am doing the point of view of the murderer. I chose this topic because I thought that it would be easy to write about and fun too! I am writing it in the form of a letter and finished my first draft yesterday. After I edited it a little I got a little bored and actually made a return letter and envolopes to put them in to.

jacob ;p
1/8/2012 09:55:46 am

suspect. I thimk it would be cool to be writing from a fugitives stand point.

1/9/2012 08:30:57 am

Hi I am doing the project as a detective. I am doing this because I have been doing most of this unit as a detective, and I've always wanted to be a dectective.


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