YAY! You survived! You made it through the first week of sixth grade! You learned a lot this week about our routines, our websites, iCARE, lockers, hurricanes and place value! WOW, we were busy!

 Follow the directions below for your weekend homework!
(don't forget to complete the blog on Ms. D's website as well!!)

1.     Read each question and decide which one you will answer.
2.    Copy and paste the question into Microsoft Word.
3.    Answer the question in at least 1 paragraph or more. You must use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar (complete sentences).
4.    Reread your work and make sure it’s crystal clear. Will it make sense once you post it for others to read?
5.    Copy and paste your response back into Weebly.


1.What was the hardest thing about your transition back to school and 6th grade? Why

2. What is your favorite type of weather (sun, snow, fog, sleet, storms, hail...) Why?

3. What was your experience with hurricane Irere this summer?

Don't forget to explore and become familiar with this website! You will be on here a lot!
Check out the blog later in the weekend as I try to post fun things all the time :)
Enjoy your weekend!
9/9/2011 05:32:45 am

My experience with Irene was easy, we didn't lose power which was a miracle! All Irene did to us was scare us half to death until the storm. I wish I could say the same for my friend Matt. When they were on vacation in Maine we were supposed to check the house, we did and we found that a TREE hit their house! There was a complete hole in the parents' bedroom and in there closet! My dad and his friends spent all day getting it off their house! So basically I was smooth sailing, while Matt, well hit some rough seas.

9/9/2011 05:34:31 am

Question 2 Answer: My Favorite weather is sunny because I can swim in my pool and snowy because I can play in the snow.

9/9/2011 06:49:35 am

My favorite type of weather is snow because I really like to ski. My family takes me skiing on the weekends, we go to Masthope Pennsylvania. I also like to go sledding. My dad will take me to Croton Gorge and Croton Point Park. It is awesome. When it snows we can get a snow day. I like to play football in the snow on snowy days. But my favorite thing to do is snowball fights with my cousins.

Last year we had a lot of snow and it was great fun! Do you like playing in the snow?

9/9/2011 07:15:49 am

The hardest thing about trasitioning back to school was getting up early again and getting used to all the homework.

9/9/2011 12:09:29 pm

My favorite type of weather is when it is a sunny day. I like sunny days because you can go outside a lot and you don’t have to stay inside like on a rainy day. I also like sunny days because the sky is bright and lit up unlike stormy days.

9/9/2011 12:58:37 pm

The hardest transition of getting back to school and going into the sixth grade was the supplies. Why I say the supplies is because first of all I had different things on the list than last year, so I didn’t know where to find it. Also because I wasn’t going to stay in the same class all year, so for the first two days I couldn’t remember what supplies was for which class.

Claire S.
9/10/2011 01:45:48 am

Q: What was the hardest thing about your transition back to school and 6th grade? Why?
A: I think I had the most trouble getting back to the routine. (I.e. GETTING ORGANIZED, waking up early, having HOMEWORK, etc.) It was hard because I busy with electronics, on an airplane or partying.

9/10/2011 02:19:52 am

The hardest thing about the transition of getting back to school was all the supplies!!!! For me it was really hard to go back to your locker and say what do I need?! Plus trying to find the stuff! It was also really hard to getting used to waking up early again! Also when you get home you have to do all of your homework. It's hard because I play sports so sometimes I have to rush to do my homework!

9/10/2011 06:36:51 am

What was your experience with hurricane Irene this summer?
My experience with hurricane Irene was a fun one. My mom and I went shopping to make sure we had enough food and ice in the house. My dad went shopping to make sure we had enough batteries for the flash lights. We stayed home all night and played games and watched a funny movie. We were waiting for the power to go out but it never did. My mom, my dad, my brother and I all slept in the basement together to be safe. When I woke up in the morning it was dark but I heard a TV on upstairs so I knew that we did not lose power overnight. I was surprised when my dad said the hurricane was past us because I was expecting so much more rain, wind and damage. This was my experience with hurricane Irene.

9/10/2011 11:13:47 pm

Dear Mrs. Scollens, my experience facing Hurricane Irene was drastic. There were helicopters flying over my house in search of people. Also twigs and branches were flying in my pool, around outside my house and on my deck. My house in RI was fortunately not flooded but also had a lot of twigs and branches as well. My neighbors had major flooding (four inches high) and my dad helped him with the problem. My Grandmother also had flooding but not as severe (one inch.)

9/11/2011 12:49:01 am

My favorite type of weather is rain, because if I’m inside, I feel so safe and cozy. I can just curl up with a book, and spend the rest of the day reading. If I’m outside, I feel, well, wet. I don’t really mind being outside in rain. I don’t like thunderstorms, though.
When it rains, all the plants get water and look much fresher and healthier. Rain usually makes it feel cooler outside.

9/11/2011 12:54:59 am

What was your experience with hurricane Irene?
The day before Irene happened my family and I were in Boston. Everywhere we went TVs blared news and footage of Irene. While we were waiting for a duck tour a giant TV showed people saying that Irene was going to cause serious damage. When we went home it was raining. When Irene happened it was just rain, we had worse rains that weren’t in the hurricane season! My house didn’t even loose power. I think the newscasters over reacted about how much damage Irene would cause here. That was my experience with hurricane Irene.

9/11/2011 06:42:43 am

I love when it's sunny! I can go outside and play soccer or basketball or softball (even if I don't play softball it's fun)! and I can swim if i'm at the beach or Silver Lake I can run around and hang-out with my friends from the neighborhood or friends in my grade!

I also love a good storm. With thunder and lighting, rain and wind, maybe even hail. I get excited when a storm hits. It's interesting to watch as it un-folds!

9/11/2011 06:46:11 am

What is your favorite type of weather?
My favorite type of weather is a good storm!Why you may ask. I'm not quite sure myself, but I guess I just like to see the storm out my bedroom window,and hearing the sound of rain on the roof.

9/11/2011 08:27:54 am

2. What is your favorite type of weather (sun, snow, fog, sleet, storms, hail...) why?
My favorite weather is snow due to the fact that you can go sledding. Another reason is that I love to build igloos.
Another type of weather I prefer is sun, which I like for running, swimming, and biking.

9/11/2011 08:33:02 am

What is your favorite type of weather (sun, snow, fog, sleet, storms, hail...) Why?

My favorite type of weather is hail because when I’m at my house and it’s hailing I look out my dining room window and on my porch the hail is jumping up like popcorn in a pan. Another reason I like watching hail storms is because the hail can get so big that when they hit my porch they shatter in to a thousand little pieces. This is why I love watching this kind of weather.

9/11/2011 09:01:47 am

Sorry I just posted nothing! (I accidentally hit submit). Anyways, the hardest thing about the transition of going back to school and into 6th grade was probably waking up on time. I have a really hard time getting up in the morning, which made going back to school difficult.

9/11/2011 10:54:37 am

What was your experience with hurricane Irene this summer?
My experience with Irene was terrible. In the middle of the night we lost power because a tree fell onto our power lines. The tree and power lines blocked our street, so we couldn’t leave our neighborhood for three days. At the same time, our basement flooded. We got about a foot in a half to two feet of water all because there was no power for our sump pump. So as you can see, my family didn’t do too well during and after Irene.

9/11/2011 11:22:43 am

hi i'm siked to go back to school i'll see you then.

9/11/2011 11:44:38 am

3. What was your experience with hurricane Irere this summer?

Hurricane Irene was a bad storm for me. We lost power for three days and had to throw everything out in our refrigerator and freezer. We could not take showers and had to take them at my friend’s house. The storm also knocked down three huge trees, but at least they didn’t hit the house. Our roof also leaked and our downstairs. The good news is we got power back before we expected and my mom and dad are having the downstairs renovated so we will have a cool hangout room.

9/11/2011 11:50:50 am

3. What was your experience with hurricane Irene this summer?

Before Irene struck we knew that it was a dangerous storm so we taped the windows and we bought food and water and slept in the basement playroom. In the basement it was nice and cozy. When we woke up it was surprisingly quiet and still, so I went upstairs to check out the damage. There was none. We still had power so we watched the weather.
I learn from that experience what to buy in case of a hurricane.

9/11/2011 09:17:29 pm

1.What was the hardest thing about your transition back to school and 6th grade? Why

For me the hardest thing was waking up early and not being able to sleep. Before school, I would sleep until anywhere from 9-10 am.

9/12/2011 05:46:34 am

snow probly because it just is so much fun u can jump off your swing in to it,make snow angels,have snow ball fights,go sleigh riding and allot more!

Sean S
9/12/2011 06:06:18 am

Question 1. My hardest transaction going into 6th grade would have to be the hallways. The reason why I think that is because when your trying to get into your locker, you might bump into some one. Then you might drop your book and you get all mest up. (It's just so crowded).

Question 2. My favorite type of weather would have to be rain. It's fun to play in and really refreshing

Question 3. I packed and got ready. I made an escape plane and a meeting spot. Only to find out that nothing happened to us, the power didn't even go out. (even though I kind of wanted it too).

9/12/2011 06:09:15 am

What is your favorite type of weather (sun, snow, fog, sleet, storms, hail...) why?
My favorite weather is sun.
My favorite weather is sun because it is not cold or wet. I also like the sun because it is warm and bright and nice outside. You can also play soccer and other sports.

9/12/2011 07:02:06 am

Snow because I love to ski and snow is very fun to play in. Snow also makes me feel better than in the hoter weather.

9/12/2011 08:29:51 am

My favorite type of weather is when it SNOWS!Why?
1. It is very cold(I love the cold)
2. This weather is different in a way from the others
3. There is all kinds of snow activities
That is why I chose snow as my favorite weather!

9/12/2011 10:44:07 am

3. What was your experience with hurricane Irene this summer?

Over the summer, I went to India, Switzerland and Italy. Hurricane Irene hit New York when I was in Switzerland with my family. Luckily, we were not there but, we had a lot of trouble getting back home.

We were supposed to leave Zurich, Switzerland on August 28, but our flight got cancelled. So we talked to the Delta flight attendant, and she said that we had only two options. Either we had wait in Zurich for six more days and take a direct flight to JFK on Friday or go to some location in the US and find a way to get home from there. I was not going with the first option because school was going to start. So my mom and dad started listing states that the airports were open and tired to see if we could there. My mom was even ready to go to California or Arizona. We had to stand there for over an hour. Then the flight attendant booked us a flight to Chicago on Wednesday morning.

We went on that flight and reached Chicago. We did have family there and we were there for two days. Then we, luckily, got a flight to LaGuardia and we took that flight back home.

Nicholas S.
9/12/2011 10:53:30 am

My experience with hurricane Irene was intense for my family before the hurricane hit, because we were worried about the impact it could have had. However, when it came around it ended up being just a plane old storm. Also, my mom wanted it to be a fun night, so we got to have a sleep party down stairs. Let me tell you, I slept like a rock. I am very thankful that we didn’t lose power or have our house destroyed. I hope the unfortunate people who were hit badly, get a quick recovery so they can sleep cozily in their own homes once again.

9/12/2011 09:00:51 pm

1.What was the hardest thing about your transition back to school and 6th grade? Why

The hardest thing about me going to sixth grade was that I had to adapt to walking around the school to find my classroom and that the hall is crowded with people. Another different thing is that we get more homework, even on a Friday. The good thing is that we are learning more about science and social studies and that we will get to do experiments in science class.

9/12/2011 09:54:28 pm

What is your favorite type of weather (sun, snow, fog, sleet, storms, hail...) Why?

My favorite type of weather is snow because my friends and I can make snow forts and trenches.
In the winter I like to go sledding at croton point Park and sometimes when its all ice its really bumpy
So I like that to. That’s my favorite type of weather.

By Andrew

Matt M
9/13/2011 09:46:38 pm

The hardest part about transition to 6th for me was waking up early like right now I woke up at 6:30 am just to write 2 blogs! And to do all of my homework that is hard just because I get home at 6 o’clock every day but the weekends (fpheh!) so I have to donate some of my time just to do my homework.

9/24/2011 03:03:03 am

This is my second comment but still I agree with Ashley when she says she was expecting a lot of damage.


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